Ni no Kuni™ II: Revenant Kingdom. Step 1: Wizard (facing Tower) Step 2: Pistoler (facing Tower) Step 3: Harpist (facing Soldier) Step 4: Fairy (facing Tower) Step 5: Dragon (facing Boy) That’s it for Ni no Kuni 2’s Trial of Knowledge. 1. 7 The Seventh Tale: How the Little Girl Became Queen. 1. Then, fly to Crackskin Cavern. Amazon. $9. Start by heading right and stepping on the wizard’s tile. FC: 3368-7550-3925. Journey back to the other world in Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch™ Remastered. we'll start exploring from that point. Boss Battles. I tried Bracken in place of Roland briefly but she felt too cumbersome. $11. 99. Travel south to eventually find the Forest of Niall. -----. “The first game was not intentionally made for kids,” Hino-san told me during our interview, “but because the protagonist was a child and. -----. • Approaching Enemies - Ni no Kuni features semi-random battles, and you'll be ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ able to spot creatures from far away, especially on the World Map, which gives you the opportunity to approach them from behind or avoid them altogether. Return to the entrance as. 13 Forgotten Anne Released in 2018, this hand-animated game looks just like Ghibli's visual style. Verdict. 079 Candy, the Spirit-Seeker. After talking to Keeley at Capstan-upon-Hull, you need to clear Chapter 6: The Price of Power. There are no permanent events or missable features in Ni no Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom so feel free to clear the main story, side quests, errands, and other objectives at your own pace. This can easily be obtained if you have been upgrading your Mining Camps at the Kingdom of Evermore. His first stop is the desert. Talk to the Man at Work at the small park in Uptown Broadleaf after clearing Chapter 7: A Traitor in Our Midst. Ni no Kuni 2. 1. 2. " Wizard's Companion: "Sugarplum Sprites grow fruits on their heads that are said to contain their very souls. In order to fast travel in Ni No Kuni 2, you need to find trip doors on map or in dungeons. 125. By sng-ign , Geneviève , Erik , +15. Errands. You can get Socktopusses by building the Fresher Fish Market at Evermore Kingdom and upgrading it to level 2. Entertain tea Alapértelmezett ni no kuni 2 spirit medium locations Közvetett Végtelen Utazás. "A sky pirate chieftain also known as the Cloud Snake, a name that strikes fear into decent and law-abiding hearts. Desperate to find someone, it has a powerful “Long Spin” assault that makes it twirl for many seconds. Sub 1-1: New Horizons. 3. Teleport to the Palace of Hydropolis and talk to Speio. Ni no Kuni 2 aims for a lot of different targets: world-spanning story, management sim, recruitment game and solid combat experience. Ni no Kuni [a] is a series of role-playing video games developed and published in Japan by Level-5; Bandai Namco publishes the games outside Japan. Duebill. Developed by LEVEL-5, Ni no Kuni II. This includes their availability, unlocking conditions, and unlockable skills in the game. Chihiro is a ten-year-old girl who has brown hair, brown eyes, and rosy cheeks. Clear Batu's and Tani's quest (Mechaninc's Manual) 2. There's tons of places to get Moon Crystals. Cooldown. Get the three water samples marked on the map south of Nautes’ Harbor and deliver them to the Environmental Inspector. advertisement The correct sequence is harpist, pistolier, wizard, boy, and monsters. Give 3 pieces of sparkly leather to Kent. Move up one, left two and down one. NewEgg. 083 Lady Forget-a-Lot. Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom is a JRPG delight that embraces the best of classic design and combines it with some new and exciting ideas. Classic Mode may be worth it with the full 20 points. He's fiercely protective of his underlings and quick to anger, and has a daughter, Tani, who he instructs in the arts of flying and fighting. Btw, if you're trophy hunting, there might be one trophy that's locked under normal mode (mini spoiler but won't spoil anything important really: it'll involve "floor 30". Classic Martial Method - all 15 volumes of MMW. You can basically use that last location until the end of the game. It is an MMORPG game with a vast open world. Leave Al Mamoon and head northeast to the rocky cliffs in the north. After being overthrown in a coup, the young king Evan sets out on an extraordinary quest to found a new kingdom, unite his world and protect its inhabitants from the dark forces that threaten them. After defeating the Tainted Monster, a cutscene will play and the quest will be cleared. the Spirit-Seeker ├ 080 The Search for Eternal Youth ├ 081 Brodie’s Last Big Job. You’ll need to make 30 weapons at the Evermore Weapon store to unlock this side quest. Make sure to keep a lock on him so you know which one is the original when it splits. Spell: Spirit Medium. A young girl's ghost has been sighted in a cave to the southeast of Yule. . Against the Grain Side Quest Walkthrough. Head south and follow the path which leads to a battle with a level 51 Manticore. 77 new $3. Included are the door number, name, level range, floors, enemies, and rewards. Required Item: Slumbergull Feather – Available from Evermore Hunting Lodge 4. ”. Guide on How to Defeat Crystolith in Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom. "Vacate" is a spell that you can obtain if you do Horace's sidequest. ♥ Find all the Latest JRPG Deals, Preorders, and Must Play Games here: I mean crap, the final boss in this game gives you less xp than a SINGLE TokoToko by almost 2,000xp. • Belief (Tomte beside Swift Solutions. i didnt focus on it and i dont care about the higgldies as for the spells which are sold in evermore you need them all. Supplies fruits and flowers. Sub 3-4: A Nationwide Scandal. Amazon. You will then need to deliver a Cuttyfish. Following up this long side-quest by completing Errand 136 will also award. The game is a significantly enhanced version of Ni no Kuni: Dominion of the Dark Djinn, which originally released for the Nintendo DS in Japan in December 2010. Different populations of familiars are present depending on whether the plateau can be reached on foot from the lowlands. After the fight, grab the chest on the east side of the room. You get 2 medium manuals (one from Auntie Martha & one from Alice) in evermore after completing Martha's ML so there's actually 7 manuals received from completing MLs. For example, Evan's adult consul Roland is a dimension-tripping president from the. Speak with the Hard-Working Young Woman once again after finishing Quest 112: Healing Rifts with Higgledies. . 1. Here is how I think you increase your chances starting with the obvious:Ni no Kuni is a sumptuous adventure of great sophistication and craft. 009 Gao Jia, the Sullen Soldier. Hello my name is visual walkthrough i am here to help you out with a game called Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom . 1. Spirit of the Temple: A crimson orb that once belonged to a beast with two blades. Despite the spinning, it can strike you from the sides and rears, be on the look out on your party. 123. It can easily 1-shot you so having a necklace or armor to keep you at 1HP is fantastic. Obtainable Items. Oliver must use Spirit Medium to talk. Join the young king Evan as he sets out on an epic quest to found a new kingdom and, with the help of some new friends,. You'll need a decent bank balance and a solid fighting force to give the kingdom of Evermore its happily ever after. The developer of Ni No Kuni II calls Roland “smart and with a great sense of justice”. The events of Xenoblade Chronicles happen within and around the bodies of the giants, the Bionis and the Mechonis. Check behind the stone to find a boy. Yet, this partnership was not beneficial only for Level-5, but also for Ghibli. Some may even give you items! Trying to figure out why there are ruins that cannot be entered?Evermore (Building a Kingdom) At the very beginning the kingdom building may seem too complex and crazy to deal with, for some. She requests that you get 5 Scariwinkles for Gao Jia. i dont know about the charging and the zing. The game is a sequel to Ni no Kuni: Wrath. Join him on an unforgettable adventure which blurs the line between animated feature film and video. 4 The Fourth Tale: The Bear-Man and the Princess's Tears. Go back to the Palace of Hydropolis and talk to. You will need to show Nu Bi a Mistral Spear with a grade of 6 or higher. Location: Al Mamoon – Fountain SquareThe game's developer is the same one that makes the Ni No Kuni games, Level-5. Pro Tip: Ni No Kuni have also recently updated their game where users can purchase a monthly subscription package that will increase the effect of Territe energy by +200% for 30 days and increase. This spell creates a thick fog that conceals the caster's presence from those nearby. Check the chest for a Snow-White Ice Cream and use Spirit Medium on the ghost. This is the level just before the final boss fight in the area. But Ni No Kuni 2 had a better battle system. In spite of cheerful artwork inspired by Studio. Ni No Kuni II 100% Walkthrough with Simon-----Check out my Amazon Store for my product video reviews and even live streams!! htt. Purchase Game. Talk to Fai Do and Nu Bi in Evermore. He wants to rule the entire world! (But in a kind way, not an evil way. The remainder are awarded for attaining S rank in some of the solosseum rounds. You can’t complete this quest until after completing Chapter 6 and researching Spirit Medium at the Evermore Spellworks. That’s why I’m here. i'll not make a guide and just copy a list here (so you can check it while in game) 1. PDF; Apple Books; Google Play; Share. Consider capturing some for your own use (as familiars) if you wish as you head into town. Easy experience and money . Review . 2. 2. 085 Green Fingers, Idle Hands. Try to hit Level 6 or 7 before. you need to do a side quest to activate it, and then level up the spellworks. A walkthrough and guide for Side Quest 035 Fun with Fungi in Ni no Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom. Horizons of Spirit Island review: "You still get the full, deep, and demanding gameplay of the original" 1. thank you for this, i can't edit the main post anymore but i'm glad the info is here. Contents Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom. Castaway Cove also houses various chests and pots. Fly from there just south and you will find the shrine. 1. You must interact with an enemy here to go to a separate screen for battle, just like. Not really comparable. For Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Xanadu spirit?". Demon's Fury (Dark) advertisement. Each time you talk to him using "Spirit Medium" (this spell can be obtained the first time you talk to him in Ding Dong Dell), he will ask you a question that requires you to look at your Wizard's Companion. Start the chapter. * Buy the most valuable item that Morgan is selling: You need to buy the Songbook No. View Full-size. Chapter 3: The Town that Tempted Fate. Acting host, Austin Lawrence here and today, i'll be showing episode 69 of Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch. 3. Challenge 1 – Blimpfish. Overview. Ni no Kuni was an amazing game with a unique battle system, colorful characters, and a beautiful art style that made for an extremely fun experience; because of this I jumped on the chance to play. The best way to play this game is to let yourself sink into the world. Tani is a skypirate and not just some. you will use the rejuvenate spell to fix ruined temples, you will use spring lock spell to open blue chests, you will use the spirit medium spell to talk to ghosts. New: $479. I may have found some of the manuals in Boddly's library before I entered the labyrinth. The answer is “Crispy lettuce. It's up on the northern section of the Bluff, accessible via the beach to the east of the Swan Islands, or by Dragon. Up the stairs and to the east of the palace entrance is a stone stairway leading to the monument. Give 2 pieces of suscitanium nuggets to Andrew. 34. No. The final son is in the upper city, at the stairs leading to Horace who gives you the Spirit Medium spell. It was released for the PlayStation 3 in Japan in November 2011, and published in Western regions by. Evan will be assigned to the side quest after chatting with Munokhoi at the entrance of the Sky Pirates’ base, as he escapes. Conclusion. You can zoom out by pulling back on the right stick. ├ 079 Candy, the Spirit-Seeker ├ 080 The Search for Eternal Youth ├ 081 Brodie’s Last Big Job ├ 082 Rumpel, the Village Vet ├ 083 Lady Forget-a-LotNi no Kuni II is a game with two protagonists, two foci, and two major approaches to gameplay. the Spirit-Seeker ├ 080 The Search for Eternal Youth ├ 081 Brodie’s Last Big Job ├ 082. Once you speak to Pontus, he’ll ask. Speak with the hard-working young woman in Upper Downtown to accept this quest. AN AUDIENCE WITH THE KING. After recruiting Muriel and assigning her to a ranch, speak with her to accept this quest. Daddy Come Home Side Quest Walkthrough. ├ 079 Candy, the Spirit-Seeker ├ 080 The Search for Eternal Youth ├ 081 Brodie’s Last Big Job ├ 082 Rumpel, the Village Vet ├ 083 Lady Forget-a-LotOnce you begin chapter 4 in Ni No Kuni 2, you can start building your kingdom. The first games in the series chiefly follow the young Oliver, and his journey to another world to save his mother and stop the beckoning evil. 2. #9. 31 Larrican the Leafy. 127. Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom is an action role-playing game developed by Level-5 and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment. Included are all obtainable items, enemies, bosses, side quests, and a detailed guide on how to clear the chapter. It's a shame it delivers so few truly memorable characters and restricts so much of its storytelling to text on screen, but by. 1. Grind and go through the track between the first save stone and second (which is right before the boss). Ni no Kuni™ II: REVENANT KINGDOM - The Tale of a Timeless TomeTo solve the riddle, you just have to cast the spell to talk to him, and you will get the Spirit Medium spell. Praesi Mar 29, 2018 @ 1:53am. You. LEVELS 135-150: 1) Do the exact same thing as levels 120-135 except do it on stage 19. The series has also attracted a considerable following because of its compelling. The answer is. 5. A walkthrough and guide for Side Quest 112: Healing Rifts with Higgledies in Ni no Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom. • Sub 1-2: Escape from Ding Dong Dell. Ni no Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom — Prince’s Edition will come to the Nintendo Switch on Sept. If you have managed to get one while progressing though the story, do not sell it for this reason alone. 99 at Humble BundleWho’s the Big Boss Side Quest Walkthrough. The Sweet Stink of Success Side Quest Walkthrough. 24 for 5000 Guilders. The original Ni no Kuni on Switch was about as good as you could expect. Jun 11, 2019 - A look at the beginning stages of Ni no Kuni Wrath of the White Witch Remastered gameplay on the PS4. Go up the stairs and use the elevator to go Uptown. We’ll be adding. Included are the side quest's requester (client), how to unlock, recommended level, location, rewards, and an in-depth guide on how to clear it. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch - Remastered - How to Get Spirit Medium SpellChallenge 1 – Blimpfish. Of course you get them in the story line. these spells are used outside battle. Talk to her again to continue. The first two are those you can get from either the Minor or Medium Market Gardens, but only at level two and. Spirit of the Flame: A blazing orb that once belonged to an enormous, fiery giant. “Miyazaki may say that he hates games, but. The game has 9 Chapters: Chapter 1: The Fall of the House of Tildrum Chapter 2: A Kingdom to Come Chapter 3: The Town that Tempted Fate Chapter 4: Ferdinand, Mighty Ferdinand Chapter 5: The Sea Queen’s Curse Chapter 6: The Price of Power Chapter 7: A Traitor in Our Midst Chapter 8: Land of My Fathers Chapter 9: To Be a King. See All. 2. With fewer points Classic Mode still helps you the the full zing requirement to get the orbs. A solid 6 or 7/10 for me. One of the doors will ask you to use the wizard compendium to open it, go through that door and play through the level it sends you to to get back to the house. Give 3 spools of night-white thread to Andrew. Wild Leather can be gotten from Hunting Lodge No. While there have been several notable cases of departed souls. With. Testing the One True King Quest Walkthrough. Seeking Superior Weapons Side Quest Walkthrough. The boss is a tough one (esp. There's a social media app in the game that replicates Instagram or Facebook called Leafbook. 1. The party has the option of entering one of nine dreamer doorways. Against all odds, it manages to hit them all in a way that. Then, back track to the helm next to the dragon. Though if you're unable to enjoy the game due to said comparisons. Do. Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom is an action role-playing game developed by Level-5 and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment. hi yes hello i would like to order a venti spirit, please and thank you? :) in this episode of Ni no Kuni I start crying because of uhhhh *checks barely read. PSN: Jaren_Starain. Enter the cave and look for the belongings in the northwest corner, so check them out and a spirit will spawn. Ce guide du débutant de Ni No Kuni 2 est destiné aux nouveaux venus qui souhaitent acquérir des connaissances de base sur le fonctionnement de nombreux mécanismes de Ni No Kuni 2 avant de se lancer dans leur voyage. Nature's Tongue. Healing spells can help when in a pinch and the 'Give. For Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom on the PlayStation 4, Guide and Walkthrough by. Walkthrough. Get Swaine to rejoin you. Once on Hamelin's shores, you start fighting robotic enemies (use eletricity). You may acquire some smelly shoes as you go through the game’s main story. 097 Mylas’s Big Adventure. Fulfill some Errands in the mean time. Vous trouverez ci-dessous des conseils couvrant des détails sur le combat, la progression du royaume, l’aperçu. Spirit of the Glade: A blood-red orb that once belonged to a mighty warrior. is bound to dragon and moon, and on a star he sits. Afterwards, you. Talk to Fai Do at the Kingdom of Evermore after clearing Side Quest 015: Wanted: Exemplary Armor. In the second room, again start on the tile in front of the book. On the world map, battles work a tiny bit differently. 129. Chapter 1: The Fall of the House of Tildrum. Ni no Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom Walkthrough and Guide page containing main story walkthroughs, strategy guides, boss guides, cheats, tips and tricks, news, and updates for the role-playing game developed by Level-5 and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment for the Playstation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Microsoft Windows. . Give it Fluffy Cloth (can be obtained from the. Of course, the walkthrough has significant spoilers throughout so don't read ahead. The second puzzle requires you to move the blocks, making them blend in the overall picture. So clear your calendar, because Level-5 is about fill it with monsters, magic, and city. All side quests (including rewards such as equipment, higgledies, and recruitable citizens) can be accessed even upon clearing the game as. Here is a list of items obtainable in this walkthrough:Top Marks for Trying Side Quest Walkthrough. Of course, some creatures has 2-3 high stats (as example, could be melee attack, agility and defense). With the Spirit Medium spell from the Spellworks in Evermore, speak to the spirit to find out it’s Keeley’s father. All Evermore Kingdom Subjects in Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom. Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom. advertisement. Lastly bring her a Amethyst Huebloom to complete the quest. . The trophy list is the same as the Japanese version. Last night, this miniboss enemy did some charged up thing that one-shotted Evan and. I mean crap, the final boss in this game gives you less xp than a SINGLE TokoToko by almost 2,000xp. Bellow [Single Target, Stun Effect, Use Defend!] Rewards: 90 EXP, 75 G, Spirit of the Woods. Included are all the side quest details, rewards, locations, enemies, and a step by step guide. This includes the monster's information and strategies. 1. Epic Adventure RPGWelcome to the beautiful world of Ni no Kuni After being overthrown in a coup, the young king Evan sets out on an extraordinary quest to found a new kingdom, unite his world and protect its inhabitants from the dark forces that threaten them. 1 List of Tales. Making a topic that contains all info on the collectibles Roland Journals (All president and Correct) : 01 - Cloudcoil Canyon - From the 1st savepoint directly north in the small hallaway on the right side. The answer to Horace's riddle is " FINEST FIBER ". I think if you get him to Castaway. For the full breakdown check out our article: Horace (the ghost who gave you Spirit Medium) will be standing on a bridge overlooking the boats in the water. 6 The Sixth Tale: My Other Self. 4. Contents Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom. See full list on ninokuni. Do so and he'll rudely introduce himself, inspect Oliver, and announce that he's heading on a trip around the world. To get the Sea God’s Trumpet, clear the level 16 skirmish Lost Souls’ Lament. 124. To get to the Shabby Shrine, teleport to Tidewash Cave. Seek Fortune is a spell learned by Oliver after he meets the Sky Pirate Kublai in The Barrens. that being said the second. Guide on How to Defeat Magmanimus in Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom. The Prince's Edition includes the full game and all DLCs. the Spirit-Seeker ├ 080 The Search for Eternal Youth ├ 081 Brodie’s Last Big Job ├ 082 Rumpel,. Head to Crackskin Cavern. the Spirit-Seeker ├ 080 The Search for Eternal Youth ├ 081 Brodie’s Last Big Job ├ 082 Rumpel, the Village Vet ├ 083 Lady Forget-a-Lot1. Once you answer all of Horace's riddles, you should have all the "optional" spells in the game. By sng-ign , Geneviève , Erik , +15. . The Spirit Medium Spell, although an everyday spell, is quite handy whenever players encounter spirits. When you’re there, go to the store in the northwest corner and buy the Scariwinkles there. 115 A Not-So-Watchful Eye. However, each class comes with a real world and a virtual world variant, with two very distinct looks. It has an unusual regulation; Everyone who goes there, even if it's only a short visit, must be required to become a "citizen" of Castaway Cove, every citizen must wear swimsuit attire while in the town. Ni no Kuni 2, is a RPG geared toward a younger demographic. Then, go speak with Candy at the. borgfighter410 10 years ago #2. Ni No Kuni; MARBLEX in MARBLEX. 084 Head-to-Head in Hydropolis. 24 for 5000 Guilders from her. Join Oliver as he embarks on an adventure through a world inhabited by new friends and ferocious foes alike in the hopes of bringing back his mother after a tragic. We have a long way to go. Stone #3: Tightfit Cavern – Found along the northern. Character stats and skills list for Roland in Ni no Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom for the Playstation 4 and Nintendo Switch. Chapter 2: The Kingdom to Come. Product Information. Yule: Horace can be found in the Yule Elder’s house. Errand 059. The answer is “5. 2. Guide Info. Side Quests List. Summary Re-enter the animated world of Ni no Kuni in the sequel to the role-playing game developed by LEVEL-5. Heck, try not to look at the section listings if possible. ├ 079 Candy, the Spirit-Seeker ├ 080 The Search for Eternal Youth ├ 081 Brodie’s Last Big Job ├ 082 Rumpel, the Village Vet ├ 083 Lady Forget-a-LotWalkthrough. 99. This is a full walkthrough and guide for Chapter 2: The Kingdom to Come in Ni no Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom. Lose yourself in the ultimate Ni no Kuni experience with this Prince's Edition including: - Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom (full game) - Game expansions that add hours of additional gameplay. unfortunately this stage has around 9 possible enemy groups to choose from for each of the 3 areas and 2 of them have flying people in it. 2. This will let Oliver power-up his first familiar, the Mite, with some sword and shield upgrades. 3. 079 Candy, the Spirit-Seeker; 080 The Search for Eternal Youth; 081 Brodie's Last Big Job; 082 Rumpel, the Village Vet. " If you need help, it can be solved. If you want to level up every stat of every monster you will end having a mediocre team. After dealing with the Tainted Monster, you will get the Legendary Equipment Plans. Mostly you get them after battles. LEVEL-5’s classic tale returns better than ever, with improved graphics and performance. 1: Slimy - Fire,Dark,Water,Wind. The second puzzle requires you to move the blocks, making them blend in the overall picture. Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch. A walkthrough and guide for Side Quest 166: A Blossoming Art Career in Ni no Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom. They are the. SW-3609-9746-8383. Head forward until you can go left to a little dead end, where you. Free. 1. Unlike. 080 The Search for Eternal Youth. A thin gorge separates the rest of the desert from the Temple of Trials. Completing the rest of the story will earn Oliver the rest of his spells (and unlock the Trophy). Obtainable Items. Fight out the boss (use Mite or Oliver since they can defend) and consider switching to a familiar with some measure of. Notifications View All. Her attire includes a. Comparing these game series is like comparring apples to banana or sea food. After talking to Marina, you will need to deliver 3 Socktopusses. D+ K, HK, HP, QCF + KK, D + P, QCB + PP, hold Back, F + P, 2 QCB + P; This wraps our E Honda moves and combos list for. Here is our Ni no Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom Items List. . Players need to use the Spirit Medium Spell in order to converse with Horace,. The lacklustre plot and underdeveloped. Healing spells can help when in a pinch and the 'Give. Clear Batu's and Tani's quest (Maiden's Manual) What is this? I found something strange while exploring the overworld. Psyche Up is a Defense command possessed by some familiars in Ni no Kuni. Martial Art Manual Locations. You’ll have to wait for a while before accessing Hydropolis. borgfighter410 10 years ago #2. Ni no Kuni. Ni no Kuni™ II: REVENANT KINGDOM - The Tale of a Timeless Tome. Supplies bones, furs, feathers and leather. It is the sequel to the critically acclaimed Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch. There is another chest towards the northeast portion of the Hard Woods, a little bit north of where you first encounter the plethora of paths; it contains Songbook No. Ni No Kuni 1 has a better story/characters and obviously better production value. You can use L1 and R1 to change between moves during a battle (you don't have to use the D-Pad). 124.